Potansiyel yeni müşteriler

Every year, a business is likely to lose at least 10% of its customer base. To prevent this attrition from affecting its turnover and therefore its sustainability, the company must continuously seek new customers. The best weapon to perform such an action is business prospecting. Due to the fact that this lead generation is the basis of any sales process, it requires following a specific methodology.

Define your objectives

A good commercial prospecting begins with a reflection on the objectives to be achieved. It is true that the goal of any business is to increase its turnover. Understand that at the level of each structure, there are challenges to overcome to achieve this end goal. Then define your stakes.

However, it should be noted that in marketing, goals are not set on a “whim”. You must be able to frame these and the SMART method can help you. It is based on the principle that the objectives must be specific, that is to say clear.

In this case, it may be, for example, prospecting for seniors. Your goal should also be measurable. At this level, it is a matter of defining indicators. In this case, you can decide for example to prospect 100 customers during the campaign. According to this method, your goals must also be attainable, realistic and time-bound.

Identify the target to prospect

Once you have identified your goals, you should then focus on the prospects with the highest probability of being converted. This is targeting. It is possible to find these prospects in your prospecting file. You must first be able to recognize them.

On this basis, remember that there are two types of prospects, some qualified as hot and others as cold. The cold prospect is the one who requires you to make them want to buy your product because they don’t have a specific need. This is the type of target that most businesses are used to going.

With it you can take your time. On the other hand, with the hot prospect, time is running out. You have to be able to quickly satisfy it or you risk seeing it go to the competition. This type of prospect has a need and is aware of it.

Work on your prospecting email before sending it

In commercial prospecting, there are several channels you can use to get in touch with the target. Among these, you can choose mailing, because it is the most convenient and efficient channel. To optimize the open rate of your email, you need to work well on the sales message.

So make sure the text has a hook. This part should include your references and a brief description of your structure. The content of the email should reveal to the prospect the interests they have in being interested in your offer.

Also consider making a presentation of the products you offer to the target. To continue with the other stages of the sales process, insert a proposal for action such as a QR code at the end of the email.